Useful Websites

There is a plethora of research and information about microdosing out there right now, given the recent positive results from clinical studies into the benefits for depression and anxiety. But, where do you even start?

We've collected a few and will add to this as more and more research, articles and useful sites become known to us.

Medical News Today

LSD could be effective in treating anxiety, clinical trial shows....

New Scientist

People who microdose LSD sleep an extra 24 minutes the following night...

LSD, Microdosing, Medical News Today, Depression, AnxietyLSD, Microdosing, Medical News Today, Depression, Anxiety
LSD, New Scientist, Microdosing, Depression, Anxiety, GAD, Buy LSD UKLSD, New Scientist, Microdosing, Depression, Anxiety, GAD, Buy LSD UK
The Independent

How 'micro-dosing' LSD helped a woman to 'improve her mental health and save her marriage'


Psilocybin microdosers demonstrate greater observed improvements in mood and mental health at one month relative to non-microdosing controls

John Hopkins Medicine

Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression Effective for Up to a Year for Most Patients, Study Shows


How psychedelic drugs might treat depression