We are simply an organisation that believes in the recent research into microdosing with certain substances to improve mental health, brain function and general wellbeing.

We want to enable people to have access to experience the magic of microdosing. To feel better. To feel good about themselves. To feel like their brain is working again. To be in control.

There are things we don't do. We do not sell addictive substances - so if you're looking for substances like cocaine, ketamine, look elsewhere.

Our Aims:

  • To offer a discreet, reliable and effective service to all our members

  • To provide up to date guidance, research and information to all

  • To ensure our members are informed and safe in their endeavours

Magic mushrooms, Psilocybin, LSD, psychedelics, microdosing
Magic mushrooms, Psilocybin, LSD, psychedelics, microdosing

About us

What not to do...

If you've found this website, you've undoubtedly already been looking elsewhere - TikTok, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, Telegram. Maybe even the Dark Web.

There are huge numbers of channels on all of the above, here are just a few we recently found:

Telegram & The Dark Web





  • @Johannwillbur

  • @lorexlorex

  • DCdutchconnectionUK

  • lucyskydiamonds

  • Tom & Jerry

How it will go....

  1. The channels will all show 'touchdowns' - aka successful deliveries.

  2. The channels will show vast quantities of substances, cloned cards, even guns for sale.

  3. You'll ask about psychedelics and they'll start a private chat.

  4. They'll give you a price.

  5. They'll send their crypto wallet address.

  6. They'll then send a tracking reference - for a freight forwarding company, such as Express Freight Hub, Ocean Link Freight, Atlantic Express Shipping.

  7. Then, the freight 'company' will demand a further fee for 'insurance' or a 'release fee'

  8. You will not receive any delivery.

What you could do...

Grow your own shrooms and make your own tinctures, chocolates and smoothies. Buy one of the books we have on sale to guide you through this process. Create your own growing substrate and set up, source spores and have a go. Or, buy a growkit to get started.

The most reliable supplier of growkits is undoubtedly Zamnesia

Zamnesia, magic mushrooms, cannabis, psilocybin, psycedelics, grow kitsZamnesia, magic mushrooms, cannabis, psilocybin, psycedelics, grow kits